We wanted to provide districts with many options to collect data for their purposes around the pre-assessment.  Therefore, there are multiple ways to access/use a pre-assessment.  

  • You can download the pre-assessment in a PDF and give to teachers to collect once they are done.

  • You can download the pre-assessment in a WORD document and edit as you wish for your local context and with distribute as is, upload material into a survey monkey or Google form to capture their responses, or upload into your own Learning Management System (e.g., Schoology).
  • The on-line assessment created in Microsoft Forms can be duplicated in order for schools/districts to collect specific data from their educators.  Make sure you duplicate the assessment prior to having your teachers take the assessment. Directions with screen-shots can be found here.  You can have your teachers take the on-line pre-assessment through Microsoft Forms. Directions to access this on-line version are here.

Last modified: Thursday, 11 October 2018, 12:33 PM