Universal Needs

Note: Please also keep in mind that in a 15 hour course, you are getting the big ideas, not the details--one of the many reasons to remember to know the specialists in your building/district and to collaborate!

Many districts in Colorado already have an initiative around social-emotional learning (SEL).  Does your district?  Is there purchased or district/school created curriculum in place?  If you don't know, check with someone in your building or in your central administration.   

After basic physical needs are met, it is hard to underestimate the importance of higher order needs, such as feeling cared for and belonging.  A sense of belonging forms the foundation of self-esteem, self-efficacy, achievement, and of higher-level thinking.  It is always good to remember psychologist Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of human needs (see below). 

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid

Twice-exceptional children are often at risk for increased social emotional difficulties because their exceptional talents and learning problems grate against each other.  They experience a confusing blend of strengths and weaknesses that can leave them feeling frustrated, depressed, anxious, sometimes angry, and with low self-esteem --not knowing whether they are "smart" or "stupid."  

Picture that say You Have to Maslow Before Bloom

Picture Credit -Article:  "Gotta 'Maslow' Before You 'Bloom"'"

These internal conflicts inhibit talent development and trigger fight or flight responses.  ADHD and autism spectrum disorder are also comorbid with weak executive function (EF) or EF delays, but often 2e students don't come to the attention of educators until their behaviors become extreme, and then the focus is on getting rid of the poor behaviors instead of preventing it by examining the underlying causes of it.

Knowing this, it is very important that we recognize that while 2e learners need universal SEL instruction, they need more--differentiated lessons  and/or tier 2 and sometimes tier 3 support.  This section will introduce the five social emotional (SE) core competencies that all learners need and some additional concerns and supports for 2e students.  As you go through this lesson, keep your student in mind.  What SE guidance and supports do they need?  Please locate appropriate areas on your student data form in which you to note the SE need(s) and the supports for your student.  

As their teacher, administrator, counselor, etc., you need to begin to get to know the child in order to meet their basic needs (as identified by Maslow):  safety, social, self-esteem, and self-actualization.  Extrapolating from Maslow for 2e learners:

  • Help them feel safe - because they live constantly in fear of being seen as stupid.
  • Help them socially - because they have trouble fitting in with their peers.
  • Focus on building up their self-esteem - because too often we focus on what they can't do rather than honoring their strengths.
  • Reinforce their self-actualization - because they often know what they want to do and become frustrated when they are unable to meet their own already high expectations. 

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