Before You Get Started

These modules have been developed to help educators implement the strategies put forth in the book Equipped for Reading Success by David Kilpatrick, PhD.

CDE extends a big "Thank You" to David Kilpatrick, PhD for his feedback and guidance in building this course.

Please be aware!

This on-demand, guest access course DOES NOT result in a certificate for CDE credit hours upon completion of this course. The Module self-assessments are just there for you to test your knowledge. They are not recorded in the system.

CDE offers sessions of this course for credit each spring, summer and fall semesters for Colorado public educators. If you are not already part of the CDE SLD listserv, you may want to join because this is where registration information will be announced a few weeks before each session starts. You can subscribe to the SLD listserv by sending an email to :

Purpose of this Course

This course was designed for coaches and instructional leaders who may want to use the content to facilitate PD at their schools and districts. These courses are also available for participants who have taken these courses and would like to revisit the content. Additionally, this course can be accessed by educators who are not working in Colorado public schools.