This Module is comprised of seven sessions.
4.3 How Poor Phonological Skills Hinder Word Reading
Learning Intentions
After viewing this module session participants will be able to:- Understand why students with phonological-core deficit make very limited progress in word-level reading
- Identify how students with the phonological-core deficit may display different patterns depending on their level of development and instructional opportunities
Watch the session below.
*Please see the Transcripts resource folder located in Module 0 for a text copy of the transcript from this video.
- Alphabetic writing systems like English require
efficient access to the phonemes in spoken language
- Individuals with the phonological-core deficit
do not naturally develop the phonological/phonemic skills they need to be
efficient readers as a result of being taught an alphabetic writing system
- Different patterns or “symptoms” of word-reading difficulties can be the result of the level of phonological development and the nature of the instructional opportunities
Reflect & Connect
does the interpretation of word-level reading difficulties support or not
support your previous understandings of reading difficulties?