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Course image Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education
Standards and Instructional Support

Culturally Responsive-Sustaining (CR-S) Education draws on decades of research in asset-based pedagogies that recognizes that cultural difference (including racial, ethnic, linguistic, gender, sexuality and ability) should be treated as assets for teaching and learning. This approach to education counters dominant narratives about difference as deficits or as characteristics of students and families that should be remediated or assimilated. Using this approach to education, all families are believed to have cultural capital, or knowledge, abilities, and networks, that can, and should, be leveraged in classrooms.

This course contains seven modules with the aim to posit educators and leaders to acknowledge, value, and leverage the wealth of knowledge found in communities that have been marginalized, minoritized, and historically underserved.  The goal of each module is to provide information and evidenced-based practices that leads to ALL students gaining the knowledge needed to become proficient in the content, concepts, and skills within the Colorado Academic Standards for Reading, Writing, and Communicating, as they progress towards postsecondary readiness. 

The first module provides course participants with an overview.

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