4. Growth Mindset



Observation + Mindset

 When viewing the table below, reflect on potential underlying biases or assumptions.

Observed BehaviorFixed MindsetGrowth Mindset
Student arrives late to their first period class on most days.Student does not care about the class.Teacher could connect with that student to learn what is causing them to arrive late. Maybe there is something going on at home.
Student A did not do well on Unit 1  and Unit 2 assessments.Student A is not a good test taker.Teacher could meet with the student 1:1 to discuss test taking strategies. 
Student is agitated by teacher's feedback on essay.Student is not self-reflective and unable to grow from feedback.Teacher could reflect on times that they have not responded well to feedback and develop empathy for the student.

It is also important to consider how growth mindset fits into the frame of the "learning pit" a positive growth mindset gives students the language and skills to go into the learning pit calm and ready to climb out and to engage in new learning. 

Learning pit


Reflective Questions

  1. Think of a student that you have now or in the past that you have had a Growth Mindset about. What was it about that student or the situation that caused you to have a Growth Mindset about them? Is it possible that an implicit bias played a roll in how you viewed that student?
  2. Think of a student that you have now or in the past that you have had a Fixed Mindset about. What was it about that student or the situation that caused you to have a Fixed Mindset about them? 
  3. What would need to change or be in place for you to have a Growth Mindset towards the student you had a Fixed Mindset about?  Is it possible that an implicit bias played a roll in how you viewed that student?
  4. What is the connection between implicit bias and mindset?