This module is comprised of one session
13.1 Factors that may affect SLD identification
Learning Intentions
After viewing this module session participants will be able to:- Identify the key factors that may distinguish between a student with an SLD in reading vs. milder reading difficulties
Watch the session below.
*Please see the Transcripts resource folder located in Module 0 for a text copy of the transcript from this video.
- Reading
skills fall along a continuum with no natural cut off to signal a “disability”
- Use
of best practices to prevent and intervene in reading is not common,
complicating the validity of identifying SLD in reading
- The
number of underlying skills that are deficient and the severity of those skill
deficits can help inform the identification process
- Clinical
judgment will be needed, but more informed judgment should lead to more valid
Reflect & Connect
What are the key factors that may suggest that a student has an SLD in reading?