(6) Transportation

Expenditures in this category include transportation services that enable students to receive health services. These costs include those associated with specialized vehicles or specialized equipment, personnel operating specialized vehicles or bus aides assisting specialized populations, or transportation-related safety equipment. Expenses can also include health-related training for transportation related FTE/contracted personnel.

(A) FTE/Contracted Personnel

LEAs can hire or contract with a Bus Aide, specialized transportation operator, or other relevant role appropriate for the Transportation category. 

(B) Equipment/Materials/Supplies

Expenditures in this subcategory include all health-related equipment, materials, and supplies directly related to providing health-related transportation services for students. Purchases in this category can also be for use by FTE/contracted personnel under the Transportation category.

(C) Professional Development/Trainings

Expenditures in this subcategory include staff development and training directed to FTE/contracted personnel under the Transportation category. It also includes training such as Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)/First Aid, emergency response techniques, or other health-oriented training relevant to the Transportation category. Costs associated with attendance at a health-related conference, including travel, are also included in this subcategory.

(D) Screenings/Assessments

Costs associated with screenings or assessments conducted by FTE/contracted personnel identified in the Transportation category are included in this section. 

(E) Assistance/Emergency Funds

Costs under this subcategory serve to help low-income students access basic health-related necessities on a limited basis. In the Transportation category, this can include vouchers or costs related to providing travel to health services in the community.