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(2) Mental Health
Expenditures in this category are those associated with the provision of mental health services to students and can include psychology, social work, counseling, behavior therapy, suicide prevention, anti-bullying programs, or other mental health services. It can also include costs for assessment tools, curriculum, and mental health training for staff to provide tools used to deliver mental health services.
(A) FTE/Contracted Personnel
LEAs may hire or contract a psychologist, social worker, counselor, therapist, or other professional providing mental health services to students. This includes contracted hours for additional mental health services for students.
(B) Equipment/Materials/Supplies
Expenditures in this subcategory include all health-related equipment, materials, and supplies directly related to providing mental health services to students. Purchases in this category can also be for use by FTE/contracted personnel under the Mental Health category. Example purchases include general office supplies, stability balls, sensory swings, weighted blankets, etc.
(C) Professional Development/Trainings
Expenditures in this subcategory include staff development and training for FTE/contracted personnel in the Mental Health category. It can also include health-oriented material such as books or computer software used for staff development. Costs relating to the travel and attendance of health-related conferences relating to the Mental Health category can also be included. Costs in this category also include purchase of curricula or training materials focused on mental health topics, such as bullying-prevention or suicide-prevention, for training provided to students, staff, or families.
(D) Screenings/Assessments
Costs associated with screenings or assessments conducted by FTE/contracted personnel identified in the Mental Health category are included in this subcategory. This includes costs associated with evaluations to identify potential mental health concerns in the student population, including related software costs.
(E) Assistance/Emergency Funds
Costs under this subcategory serve to help low-income students access basic health-related necessities on a limited basis. In the Mental Health category, this can include vouchers or costs related to urgent counseling or therapy services, crisis interventions, or emergency support for students experiencing a crisis.