3. Positive Behavior Intervention Supports
In the area of prevention and early intervention schools can
make use of positive behavior, intervention, and supports (PBIS) for the
purpose of creating that positive school environment.
Researchers found that PBIS (positive behavior intervention supports)
when used effectively, can reduce problematic behaviors. The research includes different
case studies where PBIS has been implemented. Positive Behavior Intervention is
considered to be an evidence-based alternative and can reduce the
usage of restraints.
Positive School Culture and Climate:
When we talk about PBIS, there is what is called "little" PBIS which focuses on establishing a positive school climate and culture. There are many
different types of programs that can assist in developing a positive climate
and culture. Some examples include Capturing
kids Hearts, Boys Town, Second Step, Restorative Practices, Trauma Informed
Practices, etc. The Colorado Department
of Education does not endorse or recommend any specific program to create a positive
school climate and culture.
PBIS as a Framework:
There is also large PBIS which is the framework developed by George Sagai, and Rob Horner. This framework has the following specific aspects:1) Three to five schoolwide positive expectations
2) The creation of a behavioral matrix identifying positive expectation for each location within the school
3) Explicit and direct training of the matrix expectation by the individual in each environment that will be enforcing the matrix expectations
4) A way to reinforce students for following the school expectation.
Schoolwide positive behavior intervention and supports (SWPBIS), George Suigy and Rob Horner’s Official Framework. School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is a comprehensive, school-wide research-based system that is “based on the assumption that actively teaching and acknowledging expected behavior can change the extent to which students expect appropriate behavior from themselves and each other.” SWPBIS provides a framework for creating predictable, positive environments for all students to achieve academically, behaviorally, and social/emotionally.
Serious behavior problems and overall school climate improve
because faculty and staff actively teach positive behavior, through modeling
expected behavior and rewarding positive behaviors, such as academic
achievement, following adult requests, and engaging in safe behavior. SWPBIS
focuses on data-based analysis and decision-making and also includes a tiered
intervention approach, that focuses on primary or universal positive behavior
instruction and support for all students and increasing levels of interventions
and supports for students with higher level behavior, emotional, and mental
health needs.
Prevention is key to a safe respectful productive learning environment. Students at risk for developing, or who have a history of challenging behavior benefit from environments that are organized and predictable, interventions that are provided by skilled caregivers and addressing behavior errors after a crisis promoting success.