Course Information

Overall Purpose of the Series:

This course is an overview of the eligibility determination process for Specific Learning Disability (SLD), The information in this course follows the information presented in the SLD Eligibility Guidelines document. This online course is just an overview of policy and best practice regarding the SLD eligibility process. For more in-depth information, be sure to see the resources and guidance documents included in the resources folders for each module.


There are a number of ways to navigate through this course. 

You can navigate the course through the following ways:

  • breadcrumbs at the top right of your screen to the right of the module title.
  • advance or backtrack through the course activities using the grey buttons at the bottom of each page. 
  • the course menu to the left. Open the menu by clicking on the menu icon on the upper left corner under the CDE logo.
  • For modules that are organized using books, open the chapter menu by clicking on the blue tab with the white arrow on the upper right corner.

Online Course Specifications

It is recommended that you use Google Chrome or Firefox to access this course. Certain versions of Internet Explorer do have problems displaying or accessing content in this course.  

  • Google Chrome can be downloaded HERE.
  • Mozilla Firefox can be downloaded HERE.

This course can be accessed from any device or computer. It will display best on a computer (Windows or Mac) but you should be able to access all content and activities from your Smart Device or Tablet.

Last modified: Friday, 27 October 2023, 12:04 PM