WHY: Understanding the Colorado Academic Standards and Performance Assessment Design Elements
Why are we focusing on Performance Assessments?
The short answer is that performance assessments are a highly authentic, deeply meaningful, and equitable method to evidence course mastery and graduation readiness; they provide an opportunity to grow and assess not just the content of the Colorado Academic Standards, but also the Colorado Essential Skills embedded in the standards. As such, performance assessment design requires a deep understanding of the Colorado Standards. The following slide deck provides a brief history as well as an in-depth introduction to the Colorado Academic Standards.
In the Fall of 2020, a live professional learning session was held related to the Colorado Essential Skills and competencies. If you would like to view that session, please access the recording here. Based on questions that came up during this session, an additional Q&A session with Robin Russel, Graduation Guidelines Manager in CDE’s Office of Postsecondary Readiness was held. If you want to learn more, please access the recording here.