Relevant Support Tools

Report Narrative Support

The purpose of this document is to assist LEAs in writing their narratives in the RSR. This topic is also covered in this course. Click on this link to visit the Report Expenditure Narratives module. Otherwise use the link below to access a 1-page PDF on the topic.

Click here to download the Report Narratives Support document (PDF) 

Category Transition Support Tool

LEAs who are transitioning from a previous set of categories, which were discontinued on the RSR as of October 2020, can use this tool to complete their RSR. The tool also serves to assist any LEA in understanding how their expenditures may be categorized.

Click here to download the Category Transition Support Tool (PDF)

The Reimbursement Spending Report Cheat Sheet

LEAs may use this excel tool as a placeholder for data that they will eventually submit to the Reimbursement Spending Report to CDE. This excel document collects the same information as the real RSR, with the exception of the annual notice acknowledgement and the intent to continue participation. This tool also has an optional calculator that LEAs can use to review their data. 

Note: The Reimbursement Spending Report Cheat Sheet serves only as a support tool. LEAs must submit their RSR through the Formsite link.

Click here to download the Reimbursement Spending Report Cheat Sheet (XLSX)

Below is a video overview of the tool: