The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) School Transportation Unit issues these guidelines to assist public and charter school districts, service providers and Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) with developing policies and procedures for the transportation of students. These guidelines provide interpretations, suggestions, options, industry standards, best practices and ideas that are consistent with 1 CCR 301-26 The Colorado Rules for the Operation, Maintenance and Inspection of School Transportation Vehicles; 1 CCR 301-25 Colorado Minimum Standards Governing School Transportation Vehicles, which promote transportation integrity in school transportation departments. It is out hope that this publication will serve as a resource to assist transportation providers as they work toward compliance with legislation and regulations.
This course will serve as a portion of your pre-service training. The student will still be required to submit the following documentation to your district transportation director PRIOR to transporting students:
*** indicates that this documentation is required annually
1. A copy of your current driver license 5.03(a) ***
2. A Motor Vehicle Record 5.03(c) ***
3. A completed, signed copy of the Certificate of Receipt from the CDE Type A,/Multifunction/Small Vehicle Guide 5.03(d)
4. A copy of the current year CDE Type A/Multifunction/Small Vehicle written test. (5.03(e) ***
5. A completed, signed copy of the current year STU-17 (CDE Medical Information form) If an operator answers "yes" to any of the questions on the STU-17 a physician's note must accompany it 5.03(f) ***
6. A copy of the operator's initial Driving Performance and Pre-Trip Test 5.03 (i)
7. Written documentation indicating that the operator has received the following:
a. Per C.R.S. 22-1-123, 22-32-109.3, Confidentiality Training 5.03(g)
b. Per C.R.S. 42-4-1902 - Mountain and Adverse Weather Training (5.03(g)
c. Per C.R.S. 22-32-109(1)(z) Mandatory Reporting Training 5.03(g)
d. Certificate of Completion of this on-line course 5.03(g) printed at the completion of this training.
e. First Aid, Cardio Pulmonary and Universal Precautions Information has been received 5.03(h)
f. Child Safety Restraint Systems training (if applicable)
g. Proper Use of Physical Restraint training (if applicable)
h. Wheelchair Securement training (if applicable)
i. Trailer Towing training (if applicable)
Please note – if you have already completed the online training course, you do not need to complete it again. It is only required once – any other requirements for certification will be completed and managed by your local district transportation supervisor.