The Reimbursement Spending Report (RSR) Lifecycle

The Reimbursement Spending Report (RSR) to CDE collects expenditure information from LEAs participating in the School Health Services (SHS) Program for a given fiscal year. This report is compared with Local Services Plans on file, to ensure alignment and to update the LSP if necessary. The report has three main sections: (1) Administrative Expenses, (2) Health Services Expenses, and (3) Annual Notifications & Intent to Continue Participation. Here are some important things to remember about the information submitted in this report:

  1. Expenditures in this report should only be included if they were exclusively paid for using Medicaid reimbursement funds. If split costs are involved in this report, only include the portion paid for using Medicaid reimbursement funds. (Example: for a position with .5 FTE Medicaid funding and .5 FTE general funding, only the .5 FTE Medicaid amount should be included in the expenditure amount and FTE count)
  2. Expenses included in the Administration section should pertain solely to the administration of the School Health Services (Medicaid) Program, without primary emphasis on providing health services to students.
  3. Expenses included in the Health Services section  should concentrate on delivering health services to students, without primarily focusing on the administration of the School Health Services Program
  4. Information submitted in the RSR should be accurate, complete, and truthful.

There are a few key dates pertaining to the Reimbursement Spending Report to CDE. Take a look at the diagram below for a visual representation of the RSR Cycle, then review the numbered list under it which provides more context for each portion of the RSR cycle. 

Overview diagram showing the lifecycle of the reimbursement Spending Report.

(1) October 1st, annually: The RSR opens October 1st every year. If it falls on a weekend, it will open on the next business day. LEAs will receive an email from CDE letting them know that they may now submit their report. CDE will also provide links and tools to assist during the reporting period, including a link to the CDE SHS website where LEAs can find all support tools for this report.

(2) October 1 - February 28: LEAs have about 5-months to complete the report. This allows sufficient time to gather the data necessary to complete the report. Reminders from CDE are sent throughout this period to LEAs who have not submitted a report. Once submitted, CDE will review the submission and either approve the report, or request clarifications or revisions. LEAs always have the option to connect with the CDE SHS Consultant via email, phone, or through a 1-1 e-meeting.

(3) February 28, annually: The RSR closes on February 28 every year. If it falls on a weekend, it will close on the next business day. LEAs who have yet to complete a report will receive an email to ensure a submission is made and reasoning is provided on the lateness of the report. CDE will analyze the data and provide necessary summary information to the Department for reporting purposes. 

(D) Early August, annually: CDE provides an overview of submitted data during the SHS annual training where insights are presented to LEAs and questions may be asked. CDE will also use the data to create State-level and LEA-level data flyers. LEAs will be provided with the state-level and LEA-specific flyer after the conclusion of the SHS annual training.

Star with "BP" as centered text.
LEAs can use the state and local level data flyers received from completing the report to promote their program, or as an aide during internal meetings.