Examine Practices in Your Local Context
One of the primary goals of the use of Performance Assessments is for educators to norm about the characteristics of a strong Body of Evidence. It is necessary to identify criteria that are universal enough to set a high bar of quality across the state, yet flexible enough to allow for local ownership and customization. Start by examining practices in your local district/school.
Graduation Focus
Step 1: Track down your school or district's guidance for the evidence students need to produce for graduation. This could take the form of a handbook, webpage, capstone requirements, etc.
Step 2: Analyze the guidance against the examples you saw in the Body of Evidence case studies. What strengths do you notice? Where do you see opportunities for revision? Do students in your district have the opportunity to gather evidence that reflects the PWR skills as well as key academic skills?
Step 3: Share the link to the graduation guidance and your analysis in the Reflections below. Be sure to take a look at what others have posted!
Classroom Focus
Step 1: Track down examples of course/class-based or end-of-year expectations for students. This could take the form of a syllabus, assessment map, portfolio requirements, or sample performance assessments.
Step 2: Analyze the expectations against the examples you saw in the Body of Evidence case studies. What strengths do you notice? Where do you see opportunities for revision? Do students in your district have the opportunity to gather evidence that reflects the PWR skills as well as key academic skills?
Step 3: Share the link to guidelines you found along with your analysis in the Reflections below. Be sure to take a look at what others have posted!