Administrative Expenditures Section

Administrative Expenditures Section Walkthrough:

This section of the RSR should only contain expenditures covering the administration of the School Health Services Program in the LEA. 

Examples of Administrative Costs by Category

  1. FTE/Contracted Personnel: Can include salary for the Medicaid program coordinator, certain indirect costs, or contracted personnel to administer the Medicaid program. 
  2. Equipment/Material/Supplies: Can include supplies needed for the administration of the Medicaid program (ex: supplies for the Medicaid coordinator). This would not include equipment, materials, or supplies that would be categorized under a health service category.
  3. Professional Development/Trainings:  Can include travel to health-related conferences or trainings, or membership related fees to those organizations like the National Alliance for Medicaid in Education (NAME).
  4. Other Administrative Costs: Can include costs not clearly captured by other administrative expenditure categories like billing agency fees.