Other RSR Sections

Aside from the cover page, administrative, and health services section, the RSR also has a section covering annual notifications, intention to continue participation, and a final acknowledgements page. Completion of these other sections will not only ensure a successful submission, but will help CDE in reviewing the RSR to limit the administrative burden on the LEA.

The video below will cover these other sections present in the RSR:



Annual Notifications & Intent to Continue Participation RSR Section

The purpose of this section is to ensure that public agencies are compliant with the regulations set forth by the U.S. Department of Education regarding the annual notification requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Additionally, this section aims to confirm the district's intention to participate in the School Health Services program for the fiscal year specified.

Note: Both questions serve to help CDE better assist LEAs. Answers not in the affirmative will simply trigger a follow-up from the CDE School Health Services to ensure no further support to the LEA is required.

Final Review RSR Section

The purpose of the Final Review section is to ensure that all information and data presented in the report are accurate, complete, and in compliance with relevant CDE School Health Services Program guidelines. This section serves as the last checkpoint before the report's submission, emphasizing the importance of thoroughness and accuracy.