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What goes in this Health Service category?
Expenditures in this category include transportation services that enable students to receive health services. These services could include personnel, special equipment, or actual costs.(A) FTE/Contracted Personnel
Districts may hire or contract with a Bus Aide or other relevant role appropriate for the Transportation category.
Example expenditures:
- Salary and benefits for transportation related FTE like specialized bus drivers, bus aides, paraprofessionals, or other FTE providing health-related transportation services to students.
- Contracted hours from an organization covering FTE in the above example.
(B) Equipment/Materials/Supplies
This broad category includes all health-related equipment, materials, and supplies directly related to the Transportation category. Purchases in this category may also be for use by personnel under the Transportation category.
Example expenditures:
- Purchasing, maintaining, or replacing costs for specialized transportation vehicles.
- Equipment for vehicles like safety vests, camera systems for contact tracing, or specialized restraints for buses.
- Specialized equipment like wheel chair lifts added to vehicles.
(C) Professional Development/Trainings
This category includes staff development and training. It could also include trainings like CPR, First Aid, or other health-oriented training relevant to the Transportation.
Example expenditures:
- Health-related training provided to FTE under this category, like CPR/First Aid certification for bus drivers.
- Any costs associated with attending health-related trainings for FTE under this category.
(D) Screenings/Assessments
Costs associated with screenings or assessments conducted by FTE/Contracted Personnel identified in the Transportation category may be included in this section.
Example expenditures:
- Costs associated with screenings provided by FTE under this category.
(E) Assistance/Emergency Funds
Assistance or emergency funding to help low income students access basic health-related necessities. Costs in this category may include items like vouchers for transportation services in areas with low access to health care providers or pharmacies.
Example expenditures:
- Transportation vouchers to ensure students are able to receive a health-related service in the community.