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What goes in this Health Service category?
Expenditures in this category can include activities related to referral services, enrollment support, translation services, insurance outreach activities, parenting training and services, or other outreach/enrollment services delivered.
(A) FTE/Contracted Personnel
Districts may hire or contract personnel for outreach services, translation services, or other relevant role compatible with the Outreach & Enrollment category.
Example expenditures:
- Salary & benefits for FTE covering outreach and enrollment services for Medicaid or CHIP, including any translation services.
- Outreach and enrollment specialists working at a local public health department.
- Contracted hours from an organization for FTE in the above examples.
(B) Equipment/Materials/Supplies
This broad category includes all health-related equipment, materials, and supplies directly related to the Outreach & Enrollment category. Purchases in this category may also be for use by personnel under the Outreach & Enrollment category. Some examples may include general office supplies, educational pamphlets, or other material related to outreach and enrollment.
Example expenditures:
- General supplies, including printing, for the outreach & enrollment office.
(C) Professional Development/Trainings
This category includes staff development and training. It could also include health-oriented materials such as books and computer software used for staff development and for attending conferences and trainings related to the Outreach & Enrollment category.
Example expenditures:
- Training for parents on different topics related to this category like Medicaid or CHIP eligibility information or enrollment.
- Any related costs to events related to this category, including translation services.
- Sponsoring events to improve Medicaid-related outreach efforts for underserved populations.
(D) Screenings/Assessments
Costs associated with screenings or assessments conducted by FTE/Contracted Personnel identified in the Outreach & Enrollment category may be included in this section.
Example expenditures:
- Software or other costs relating to screening for Medicaid or CHIP eligibility.
(E) Assistance/Emergency Funds
Assistance or emergency funding to help low income students access basic health-related necessities on a limited basis. This may include funds for vouchers.
Example expenditures:
- Establishing a fund to provide emergency health services or supplies to uninsured or underinsured populations, while in the process of enrolling for Medicaid.
- Providing temporary assistance to uninsured/underinsured students who need health services, and who were identified by the Outreach & Enrollment office.