What goes in this Health Service category?

Expenditures in this category may include services delivered by an Audiologist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist (or Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant), Speech Language Pathologist, or other Special Services Provider not covered in the Nursing or Mental Health Category.

(A) FTE/Contracted Personnel

Districts may hire or contract with a Speech Language Pathologists (including SLPAs), Physical Therapists (including PTAs), Occupational Therapists (including COTAs), or Audiologist. 

Example expenditures:

  • Salary and benefits for positions like Speech Language Pathologists (SLP), Occupational Therapists (OT), Physical Therapists (PT), Audiologist, and Orientation & Mobility Specialist (O&M)
  • Contracted hours from an organization for FTE in the above examples.

(B) Equipment/Materials/Supplies

This broad category includes all health-related equipment, materials, and supplies directly related to the Special Service Providers category. Purchases in this category may also be for use by personnel under the Special Service Providers category. Some examples may include general office supplies, hand exercisers, adaptive tricycles, walkers, adaptive devices, gait belts, exercise bands, etc.

Example expenditures:

  • Diagnostic equipment used by professionals under this category 
  • Sound amplification systems used by hearing-impaired students, usually under the guidance of an SLP.
  • Full body swings used by OTs or PTs for students with limited mobility and coordination.

(C) Professional Development/Trainings

This category includes staff development and training. It could also include health-oriented materials such as books and computer software used for staff development and for attending conferences and trainings related to the Special Service Providers health service category.

Example expenditures:

  • Health-related, professional organizations conference expenses, including travel-related expenses.
  • Professional development for FTEs in the SSP category.
  • Licensure renewal fees required to provide health services for students.

(D) Screenings/Assessments

Costs associated with screenings or assessments conducted by FTE/Contracted Personnel identified in the Special Services Providers category may be included in this section. Examples of expenditures may include software related to speech and language related screening. 

Example expenditures:

  • Testing or assessments forms used by an SSP, like a speech assessment used by an SLP.
  • Costs associated with upkeep or calibration of screening equipment used by a provider.

(E) Assistance/Emergency Funds

Assistance or emergency funding to help low income students access basic health-related necessities on a limited basis. This may include funds for vouchers.

Example expenditures:

  • Vouchers providing health services for students in the community.
  • Creation of a fund to cover health-related needs for students.