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What goes in this Health Service category?
Expenditures in this category can include psychology, social work, counseling, behavior therapy, suicide prevention, anti-bullying programs and other mental health services. It may also include assessment tools, curriculum, and mental health training for staff to provide tools used to deliver mental health services.
(A) FTE/Contracted Personnel
Districts may hire or contract with a Psychologist, Social Worker, Counselor, or Applied Behavior Analyst.
Example expenditures:
- Salary & benefits for professionals providing mental health services like school Psychologists, social workers, counselors, or Applied Behavior Analysts.
- Contracted hours for FTE in the above examples.
(B) Equipment/Materials/Supplies
This broad category includes all health-related equipment, materials, and supplies directly related to the Mental Health category. Purchases in this category may also be for use by personnel under the Mental Health category. Some examples may include general office supplies, stability balls, sensory swings, weighted blankets, etc.
Example expenditures:
- Supplies or equipment used to supply the LEA crisis team.
- General office supplies, including printing costs to be used by FTE or activities under this category. Printing of educational brochures on mental health topics, as an example.
- Equipment purchased for a quiet room, or other room used for mental health-focused activities. This can include items like white noise machines, journals, and weighted blankets.
(C) Professional Development/Trainings
This category includes staff development and training. It could also include health-oriented materials such as books and computer software used for staff development and for attending conferences and trainings related to the Mental Health category. Costs in this category may also include purchase of curricula focused on mental health topics such as bullying-prevention or suicide-prevention.
Example expenditures:
- Registration and/or travel costs associated with a mental health-focused training event or conference.
- Costs associated with providing a mental health-focused training like mental health first aid or crisis prevention training.
- Membership dues tied to health-related professional organizations, if it is needed to receive additional professional development.
(D) Screenings/Assessments
Expenditures associated with screenings or assessments conducted by FTE/Contracted Personnel identified in the Mental Health category may be included in this section. Examples of expenditures may include mental health screening software.
Example expenditures:
- Costs related to evaluating students for a mental health diagnosis. This is not restricted to evaluations associated with Individualized Education Plans (IEP).
- Contracts with external providers that provide screening or assessment services.
- Mental health screening or assessment software expenses.
(E)Assistance/Emergency Funds
Assistance or emergency funding to help low income students access basic health-related necessities. Costs in this category may include vouchers to assist with services relevant to the Mental Health category.
Example expenditures:
- Creation of a fund to support emergency student mental health services.
- Vouchers to provide access to students that need external mental health services.