Topic outline
Welcome to the Colorado Department of Education Restorative Discipline Practices training course! This course will discuss how to have a restorative mindset and how to implement restorative discipline practices.
This course provides an overview of the restorative approach to discipline. You will gain a deeper understanding of restorative principles, their benefits, and their integration into different stages of the discipline process.
This information is essential for administrators as it provides them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and understanding to effectively implement restorative justice practices within the discipline process, leading to better outcomes for students and the school community. While it is incredible to do this work in a state that defines and encourages these practices in statute, this definition does not fully encapsulate the essence of being restorative. Let's explore this further.
During this course, you will learn how to:
- Articulate what it means to be restorative as a pro-active approach and as a response to behavior.
- Reflect on how best practices can be used for implementing a restorative approach to discipline.
- Identify where restorative justice practices could be used within the discipline process.
This course will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
For more information, please reach out to Nicole Herrera, CDE Dropout Prevention Specialist with questions: