Several courses in this category require registration. Please follow this link to the CDE Professional Development Tool to find the registration information in the Library of On Demand Resources.

For Information about these courses contact

Course image Colorado Part B Child Find Coordinator Hub

Designed for Colorado Child Find Coordinators to learn, share, and ask questions. The key pieces of this Moodle space will be organized around webinars, key resources, and a discussion board to collaborate and share.

For more information contact Marcia Blum.

Course image Communicating with Primary Care

This is a  self-paced module presented by the Colorado Department of Education for Child Find staff, in partnership with Assuring Better Child Health and Development (or ABCD). Collaborating with primary care providers is critical to a successful Child Find program. if you don’t approach this relationship with intentionality, with a plan, your scattered attempts to coordinate will lead to frustration on both sides and many wasted man-hours.

Contact Marcia Blum with questions.

Course image Continuous Quality Improvement: Tools for Improving Program Evaluation of Child Find Activities

This professional learning opportunity is based upon newly revised Colorado Department of Education Guidelines for Identifying Young Children with Special Needs, ages three through five years old. There are two parts to the module. Part one will include going through a series of slides, reading an article and working through an evaluation planning worksheet. Throughout part one we will ask you to reference a self-assessment. Part two will be completing the self-assessment, which will allow you to reflect on the strengths and needs of your Administrative Unit as it relates to evaluating your child find process and engaging in continuous quality improvement. 

Contact Marcia Blum with questions.

Course image Diving In! Engaging With the New Child Find Guidelines

This is a self-paced module on engaging with the newly revised Colorado Department of Education Guidelines for Identifying Young Children with Special Needs, ages three through five years old. The module itself contains a short series of slides describing the guidelines. Participants will then be asked to identify activities to help their team engage with this important resource.

Contact Marcia Blum with questions. 

Course image Dual Language Learner Webinar Series

This self-paced learning opportunity consists of four recorded webinars in partnership with Puentes Culturales. Suggested readings are also provided.

Beyond Words
Part 1: Effective Collaboration with Families, Interpreters, Translators, and Special Educators
Part 2: Teaming & Collaboration with Cultural Mediators and Cultural Liaisons

The Benefits of Bilingualism

Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching of Young Dual Language Learners

Contact Marcia Blum with questions.

Course image Early Childhood Transition Modules 1 & 2

Module 1: Early Childhood Transition Overview

This module is an overview of transition from Early Intervention to Preschool Special Education and from Preschool Special Education to Kindergarten. We encourage you to share this link with families, classroom staff, service providers, administrators, service coordinators and other Early Intervention collaborators.

Module 2: Early Transition Preparation and Adjustment for Children and Families

Learn more about the key elements of child and family preparation and adjustment related to transition to preschool and kindergarten. This interactive module is research-based, practical, and includes downloadable transition tools and resources

Contact Marcia Blum with questions.

Course image Improving Assessment, Preschool Services and Supports for Culturally, Linguistically, Diverse Children

Welcome to Improving Assessment, Preschool Services and Supports for Culturally, Linguistically, Diverse Children in Partnership with Families. The content, materials and resources in this course are available for individual and teams to use to promote successful practices in serving culturally, linguistically, and ability diverse learners, specifically as they relate to Child Find assessments, educational services and supports in Early Childhood Education (ECE) settings.

Link to more information and to register.

Course image Participation-Based IEPs in Early Childhood

This course promotes a different way of thinking in regards to developing an individualized program for a young child. Authentic assessment, connected to global outcomes and aligned with preschool standards, lays the foundation for the learning experiences that we want for all children to thrive at home, in school and in many settings throughout their communities. For children with disabilities, if the Individual Education Program (IEP) is participation-based and well written, it will be an asset to all adults working with the child as well as a testament to the child's learning and development.

Link to more information and to register.

Contact Marcia Blum with questions.

Course image Partnership, Collaboration and Screening

This professional learning opportunity is based upon newly revised Colorado Department of Education Guidelines for Identifying Young Children with Special Needs, ages three through five years old. There are two parts to the module. Part one will include going through a series of slides, reading an article and reviewing case studies. Part two will be a self-assessment allowing you to reflect on the strengths and needs of your Administrative Unit as it relates to partnerships, screening efforts, and referral systems. 

Contact Marcia Blum with questions.

Course image Preschool Outcomes: A Data Dialogue on OSEP Indicator 7 Reporting

A data dialogue to understand Preschool Outcomes and how they fit within the CDE's Exceptional Student Services Unit's Results Driven Accountability system, including the integration of the outcomes data in the AU Results Matrix. Will also explore various AU level reports on Preschool Outcomes in order to develop procedures for routine review and decision making based on outcomes data. 

Contact Marcia Blum with questions.

Course image Principles for Principals: Leading and Adapting Learning in Inclusive Preschools

For early childhood professionals, practitioners and caregivers who work with young children with disabilities. Learn about the Division of Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children Recommended Practices.

Participants can self enroll for this course

Contact Marcia Blum with questions or if you are in need of a CDE LMS account log in.

Course image Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment

This course is currently under construction and not available to users.