Managing Collaborative Groups

3. Student Roles and Responsibilities

When students are in teams it is important to have each student identify a role that they will play to support the group. 

Other Potential Roles



Person Responsible


This person will lead the group.  They do not do all of the work, but they make sure everything runs smoothly by being organized.  They can also delegate jobs to other members. Ensure the team is on tome and on task.



The recorder takes notes and keeps track of everything the group is doing.  They are responsible for keeping track of papers and information for the group.



Researches needed information for the group, gets answers to questions from the teacher or from other sources.



The speaker is the one who will be in charge if any of the presentation is done orally.  They will be the person that asks for help and helps gather materials.


 Other Potential Roles
 Time Keeper  The timekeeper makes sure the group stays on task.  They will watch the clock and remind the group when it is time to move on to the next task.  
 Materials Manager  Finds out what materials are needed, distributes materials to group and collects/returns materials at the end.  
 Encourager  Encourages group members to continue to think through their approaches and ideas. The Encourager uses probing questions to help facilitate deeper thinking, and group-wide consideration of ideas.  
 Harmonizer  Encourages group members to get along and effectively collaborate. They may help facilitate conflicts, negotiation, and effective decision making.