Document Based Questioning Using Primary Sources

10. Exploring Photovoice as a Strategy

Photovoice is a unique type of participatory action research that uses photography to capture the conditions in a community. It provides a diverse set of data that stem from each person’s point of view and photography techniques.

Photovoice is a methodology mostly used in the field of education which combines photography with grassroots social action. Subjects are asked to represent their community or point of view by taking photographs. It is often used among marginalizes people, and is intended to give insight into how they conceptualize their circumstances. As a form of community consultation, photo voice attempts to bring the perspectives of those "who lead lives that are different from those traditionally in control of the means for imaging the world" into the policy-making process. It is also a response to issues raised over the authorship of representation of communities.

It was developed by Caroline C. Wang of the University of Michigan, and Mary Ann Burris, research associate of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London. In 1992, Wang and Burris created what is now known as "Photo voice" as a way to enable rural women of Yunnan Province, China, to influence the policies and programs that affected them. It has since been used among homeless adults in Ann Arbor, Michigan and among community health workers and teachers in rural South Africa by Dr. Claudia Mitchell et al.

The concept owes a debt to the critical consciousness pedagogy of Paulo Freire, and feminist theory.

Although the origin of photovoice is grounded in participatory action research the premise of photo voice can support a student centered learning experience, where students engage in taking pictures in the community and analyzing those images. This approach can be used to engage students in authentic advocacy efforts to support standards as well as community health. In this short video you will see an example of how photo voice was used to provide student input and perspective on health in an Native Americans.

Health in my Hometown Photo Voice Project:

Some examples of what students might explore:

1. Stores that sell food in your community and compare to other communities.  (Fast food, restaurants, grocery stores, gas stations, convenience stores)

2. Opportunities for physical activity in your community.

3. Safety in the school or community.

4. Healthy food in the school.

5. Diversity in the school.
