Assessing Reading Comprehension and Related Skills

Site: Colorado Education Learning Management System
Course: Guest Access-Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties
Book: Assessing Reading Comprehension and Related Skills
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Saturday, 8 February 2025, 6:19 AM


This module is comprised of two sessions

9.1 Reading Comprehension Tests

Learning Intentions

After viewing this module session participants will be able to: 

  • identify the different ways that reading comprehension can be evaluated based upon the nature of the tests
  • interpret reading comprehension tests in the context of a student’s overall reading skill profile.


Watch the session below.

*Please see the Transcripts resource folder located in Module 0 for a text copy of the transcript from this video. 


  • Reading comprehension tests vary by format and length of individual test items
  • Format and passage length affect outcomes and are also affected differently by word-reading skills and oral language comprehension skills
  • Best practices involve the use of multiple reading comprehension test formats and interpreting results in light of a student’s word-reading skills and oral language comprehension

Reflect & Connect

What reading comprehension subtests do you use? How might you use or interpret them differently?

9.2 Language Comprehension and Related Tests

Learning Intentions

After viewing this module session participants will be able to: 

  • identify language skills that support reading comprehension
  • select and interpret language-related tests to further understand the source of reading comprehension difficulties


Watch the session below.

*Please see the Transcripts resource folder located in Module 0 for a text copy of the transcript from this video. 


  • Language comprehension difficulties can affect reading comprehension
  • Language comprehension in influenced by several specific skills, such as vocabulary, background knowledge, and/or working memory
  • Assessments of the language-related skills can help identify the source(s) of the language comprehension difficulties that affect reading comprehension
  • Knowing a student’s language skill profile can assist in targeting interventions

Reflect & Connect

Do you incorporate language related assessments into reading evaluations? If not, how best may you do that in the future?