1.2 Components

(3) Student Health

Expenditures in this category are those associated with supporting and promoting the overall health and wellbeing of students that are not captured by the other health service categories. This includes health-related assistive technology, costs associated with health-related case management services, sub-contracted services for dental or physician services or related follow-ups, health education curriculum or instruction for students not categorized in the Mental Health category, or health-oriented feeding programs such as providing breakfast to low-socio economic status (SES) students.

(A) FTE/Contracted Personnel

LEAs can hire or contract with a licensed physician, vision specialist, care coordinator, or other professional providing general health services for students not listed in any other health service category. This includes contracted hours for additional health services for students.

(B) Equipment/Materials/Supplies

Expenditures in this subcategory are those that do not fit under any other health service category and include all health-related equipment, materials, and supplies directly related to providing health services to students. Purchases in this category can also be for use by personnel under the Student Health category. Example purchases include printing costs for health-related educational pamphlets, health-related assistive technology, wheelchairs, and hearing aids. 

(C) Professional Development/Trainings

Expenditures in this category include purchases of health-related curricula for classroom or group settings. Other purchases may also include staff development and training to deliver curricula (Train the Trainer) for health-related topics directed at students and families. It could also include health-oriented material such as books or computer software used for staff development and training related to the Student Health category. Note: Mental health-related professional development/training, even those directed to students or families, should be placed under the “Mental Health” category.

(D) Screenings/Assessments

Costs associated with screenings or assessments conducted by FTE/contracted personnel identified in the Student Health category are included in this subcategory. This can include evaluations conducted to identify or monitor various health conditions among students, including nutritional assessments, physical fitness tests, health surveys, etc.

(E) Assistance/Emergency Funds

Costs under this subcategory serve to help low-income students access basic health-related necessities on a limited basis. In the Student Health category, this can include vouchers or costs related to unexpected medical costs, sudden needs for health-related support or materials, or other interventions not predicted in advance.