1.1 Overview
Plan Submission Timeline & Requirements
For a complete submission, an LEA must submit the following items to CDE:
- A completed Local Services Plan
- A signed Part V Assurances form
Since plans expire every five years, LEAs are grouped into cohorts by start and end time of their LSPs. All Local Services Plans (LSPs) begin on July 1st of the first year and end on June 30th of the fifth year. For example, the 2022-27 cohort LSP starts on July 1, 2022, and ends on June 30th, 2027. This also means that a new LSP must be finalized by the deadline on June 30th of the expiring year of the current LSP. An initial submission deadline two-weeks before the final deadline allows LEAs to submit their LSPs early, in order to review and make any necessary edits before the final submission deadline. The initial submission deadline will always be two weeks before the final submission deadline. Therefore, it is important for LEAs to submit their new LSPs on time using the following deadline schedule:
Local Services Plan Submission Deadline
- Initial Submission: June 16th, or the next business day if on a weekend.
- Final Submission: June 30th, or the next business day if on a weekend.
Before submitting your LSP, it may be helpful to ask yourself the following questions:
- Does this LSP accurately reflect the health needs identified by the local community?
- Is there a critical voice missing from this process?
- Are my administrative costs under 20%? If not, remember to check for any items that are more directly related to the provision of health services and should be recategorized.
- Are there any potential unallowable costs in my LSP?
For more information on LSP Cohorts, the current CDE School Health Services Program Timeline, or what LEAs are in what cohorts, visit the CDE program timeline page using the link below.
Visit the School Health Services Program Timeline Page