1.2 Components

Navigating this LSP Component

The Program Plan, outlined in Part III of the Local Services Plan (LSP), provides a comprehensive overview of how an LEA allocates the school Medicaid reimbursement between administrative costs and health services. This section is pivotal as it details the anticipated expenditures, both for program administration and for the health services intended to be offered. The Program Plan ensures that funds are used effectively, with a CDE recommended cap of 20% on administrative costs to ensure the majority of the reimbursement is directed towards health services for students. Within this section, LEAs will find subsections detailing estimated yearly reimbursements, an overview of program expenditures, and a breakdown of health services by category. By completing this section, LEAs can provide a clear roadmap of how they intend to utilize the reimbursement funds to meet the health needs of their students.

Explore each section in this module for more on what information is needed to complete each section of the Program Plan.

1. District/BOCES Name

This section requires the LEA to enter the common name of the school district, which should match the name entered on the cover page.

2. Est. Yearly reimbursement

Here, the LEA will provide the amount of reimbursement they expect to receive after the State withholds its 2.5% administrative costs. The reimbursements are for the federal share of the cost of IEP, IFSP, or other plans of care health services provided by Medicaid-qualified providers to students enrolled in Medicaid. These reimbursements are made for services delivered on dates within the contract year, which runs from July 1 through June 30.

3. Program Expenditures Overview

This section provides a breakdown of how the reimbursement funds will be spent.

A. Program Administration

LEAs are required to enter the percentage of total expenditures allocated for administrative purposes. This includes anticipated payments to billing agents, costs incurred for administering the School Health Services Program, coordinator and program staff salary/benefits, office supplies, and indirect costs. It's recommended that administrative costs not exceed 20% of the total reimbursement received. Exceptions are made for LEAs new to the program with the approval of the CDE School Health Services Consultant.

B. Health Services

LEAs are required to enter the percentage of total expenditures allocated for the purposes of providing health services to their students.

C. Expenditures by CDE Category

This subsection breaks down expenditures by six main categories and five sub-categories, detailing the health services that will be offered using the reimbursement funds. This is done using a matrix, with main categories as the rows and subcategories as the columns. See the example below, showing three category selections:

 Screen capture of an LSP health service matrix.

In the example above, an LEA has indicated that they intend on spending Medicaid reimbursement dollars on (A) FTEs & Contracted Personnel, (B) Equipment, Materials, & Supplies, and (C) Professional Development & Trainings, in the (1) Nursing category by using an “X” in the appropriate boxes. In the field, this may look like paying a Nurse Practitioner’s salary using Medicaid reimbursement dollars, and making sure they have the necessary equipment and training needed to provide exceptional health services to students. LEAs always have the option of contacting the CDE School Health Services Consultant for any questions concerning how to categorize health services on their LSP.

For definitions and examples of CDE Health Service categories, visit the Health Service Categories module.