Complaint Procedures
2. Content of Complaint
Required Content of the Complaint: The complaint must contain the following information:
a) A statement that the employee or volunteer has violated a requirement regarding the use of restraints and an identification of the portion of the statute, rule, or regulation alleged to have been violated, if known by the complainant;
b) the background information and facts on which the complaint is based that identify persons, actions and/or omissions;
c) The name and the residential address of the child against whom the alleged violation occurred;
d) The name of the school that the child was attending when the alleged violation occurred;
e) A proposed resolution of the problem to the extent known and available to the complainant at the time the complaint is filed;
f) The complaint must allege that the violation(s) set forth in the complaint occurred not more than one (1) year prior to the date that the complaint is filed with the CDE;
g) The signature and contact information (minimally, address and telephone number) for the complainant; and
h) Written verification in a cover letter accompanying the complaint that a complete copy of the complaint and any attachments have also been mailed, hand-delivered, or delivered by other secure method to the public education agency (i.e. a school district, BOCES, or the Charter School Institute) serving the child.