Gifted Identification Considerations

Response to Intervention and Gifted Student Identification

Many administrators and educators don't realize that Colorado law includes RtI as one possible means for identifying gifted students. For hard-to-identify gifted students, and this often includes twice-exceptional students, using a response to intervention may be a needed pathway to gather data for the body of evidence.

Colorado Law

Identification Procedures 12.02(2)(c)

The program plan shall describe the assessment process used by the AU for identifying students who meet the definition specified in section 12.01(16) and for identifying the educational needs of Gifted students. The assessment process shall recognize a student’s exceptional abilities or potential, interests, and needs in order to guide student instruction and individualized planning and programming. In traditionally underrepresented student groups and visual/music/performing arts student groups or talent pools, identification may require the collection of student information over time, using additional data points from a response to intervention approach, or additional assessment.